How not acting on your finances, could be damaging your wealth

How not acting on your finances, could be damaging your wealth

You know the feeling, when there’s something you know you need to do, but you’ve been putting it off. It’s sat there in your sub-conscious, waiting to be prioritised into your conscious mind and maybe even your calendar. When it comes to financial matters, the delay...
Personal recommendations and reciprocity

Personal recommendations and reciprocity

Personal recommendations for financial advice are different in the UAE, when compared to the US and UK. In those countries, a personal recommendation from an existing client is the primary source of new clients for most high-quality advice firms. The UAE experience is...
Conflicts of interest made simple for investors

Conflicts of interest made simple for investors

From time to time we all take advice. We seek advice from a Doctor when we don’t feel well, talk to a lawyer if we have legal concerns and we ask friends, family and colleagues about all sorts of things. We assume that the people we ask, have our best interests at...
What can a banker and a fisherman teach us about growth?

What can a banker and a fisherman teach us about growth?

An investment banker stands on a beach in Mexico, watching a fisherman pootling into to the small dock. He’s got a little boat and once he’s moored it, he steps up onto the dock, a brace of fish under his arm. The banker approaches the fisherman and asks him if he had...
International Investment Awards 2021

International Investment Awards 2021

It seems like yesterday that I wrote a blog about winning three prestigious awards at the International Investment Awards. It was actually a year ago and time really has flown by this last year. I’m delighted to confirm that we won the same three awards again this...
Whose side are you on?

Whose side are you on?

From time to time we all take advice. We seek advice from a Doctor when we don’ feel well, talk to a lawyer if we have legal concerns and we ask friends, family and colleagues about all sorts of things. We assume that the people we ask, have our best interests at...